Report Results

The results that display in the Outstanding Aging items depend on the criteria you selected.

The employees that display in the Results table depend on the criteria you selected in the Criteria area. In order to send Notifications, you must select at least one Employee check box, located in the left column of the table.

Report Fields (Summary View)

Field Description

The Current column displays any outstanding expenses, outstanding advances, or any outstanding cash receipts that are currently due.

1 to 30

The 1 to 30 column displays any outstanding expenses, outstanding advances, or any outstanding cash receipts that are at least 1 day but not more than 30 days overdue.

31 to 60

The 31 to 60 column displays any outstanding expenses, outstanding advances, or any outstanding cash receipts that are at least 31 days but not more than 60 overdue.

61 to 90

The 61 to 90 column displays any outstanding expenses, outstanding advances, or any outstanding cash receipts that are at least 61 days but not more than 90 days overdue.

Over 90

The Over 90 column displays any outstanding expenses, outstanding advances, or any outstanding cash receipts that are more than 90 days overdue.


The Total column displays the total amount of all outstanding items for each employee no matter the due date.